Review of the tort liability caused by the affiliation of ship from a ship's collision case On Liability Risks Covered under Collision Liability Clause 由一起碰撞案件看船舶挂靠经营中的侵权责任船舶碰撞责任险承保范围的若干问题研究
All the claims set out in the preceding paragraph, whatever the way they are lodged, may be entitled to limitation of liability. full contribution mortgage clause 前款所列赔偿请求,无论提出的方式有何不同,均可以限制赔偿责任。火险保单上关于已抵押财产的赔偿顺序条款
But the pact included an unusual liability clause that makes nuclear power plant suppliers, not just operators, liable if accidents occur. 但是这一协议包括了一项责任条款,就是在有事故的情况下,供应商也必需承担责任。
The insurance policy shall include a cross liability clause such that the insurance shall apply to the Contractor and to the Employer as separate insureds. 保险单中应包括一条交叉责任条款,使该保险对分别保险的承包商和雇主均适用。
Where an AI has included an exemption of liability clause in its terms and conditions, it should draw the clause to the customers attention. 若认可机构在章则及条款内加入免责条款,机构应提醒客户留意有关的免责条款。
Determination of Insurer's Liability under ships Collision Liability Clause Hull Insurance Clauses 船舶碰撞责任条款下保险人责任之确定
Necessity and Effect in Magnifying the Oil Contamination Compulsory Liability Insurance; The scope of coverage under the fpa clause will be almost Identical with that offer by the wpa clause. 浅论油污强制责任保险扩大化的必要性和作用平安险条款所承保的责任与水渍险条款承保的责任差不多。
Pro rata liability clause 按比例分摊责任的条款
Provided that nothing in this section shall affect the liability of the insurer under the suing and labouring clause. 但是,本款规定不应影响保险人根据施救条款所承担的责任。
The Rational Consideration of the Assumption of the Responsibility of the Risk Resulting from Loss of Credit Card; On Liability Risks Covered under Collision Liability Clause 信用卡遗失风险责任承担的理性考量船舶碰撞责任险承保范围的若干问题研究
Third, the liability that exemption clause exempts or limits is the liability in the future; 三是免责条款所免除或限制的是未来的责任;
As regard to the coincidence of the liability for breach of contracts and the tortious liability, the author suggests that there should be necessary modifications of the clause No. 122 of the contract law. 就违约责任与侵权责任竞合而言,笔者建议对《合同法》第122条规定作必要修改。
Tort liability law should set up general clause of tortious liability of omission, classify omission infringement and should concretely list the types of omission infringement that existed in legislation and practice. 侵权责任法应当设立不作为侵权责任的一般条款,并以介入因素为标准对不作为侵权进行类型化,具体列举我国立法或实践中已经存在的不作为侵权形态。
For example, following the terms of the contract can be used relatively fixed statement: payment terms, liability for breach of the terms of the dispute resolution clause, intellectual property clauses, force majeure clauses, confidentiality provisions. 比如,对涉及以下内容的合同条款可以采用相对固定的语句:支付条款、违约责任条款、解决争议条款、知识产权条款、不可抗力条款、保密条款等等。
Final part is about several suggestions about internal undertaking of tort joint and several liability with exeception clause of attestors. 最后就侵权连带责任的内部承担和虚假广告荐证人的免责条款提出了建议。
The penalty liability should be applied under the existence of default clause and breach of contract and to analyze the relation between the penalty and other remedies for contract breach by deciding whether the object pointed to are the same. 在违约金责任的适用上,应以存在违约条款及违约行为为条件,并以指向的对象是否一致为标准分析违约金责任与其他违约救济方式的适用关系。
Among many insurance contract clauses, the excepted liability clause is an important clause which is concerned by both parties of the contract. 在保险合同的众多条款中,保险人的除外责任条款是当事人双方共同关注的一项重要条款。
The second chapter expounds the calculation method of compensation collision liability clause in made according to the limitation of liability for maritime claims system which has important significance for collision accident damage, mainly the "single responsibility principle" and "cross liability principle" two calculation methods. 第2章阐述了碰撞责任条款中根据海事赔偿责任限制制度而制定的对于碰撞事故具有重要意义的损害赔偿的计算方法,主要有单责任原则与交叉责任原则两种计算方法。
The first part also analyzes other "high-risk liability" clause in the existing system of norms in the position. 另外第一部分还分析了高度危险责任条款在既有规范体系中的地位。
Environmental Education Act set the legal liability, administrative liability exemption clause. 环境教育法的法律责任的设定、行政法律责任、免责条款。
The promulgation of Chinese tort law helps the completion of liability clause of Chinese environment tort, and benefits the victim in claiming relief and compensation. 侵权责任法的出台,虽然完善了我国的的环境责任条款,有利于环境被害人的救济和补偿。